Wednesday, 12 October 2011

When to Start Pre-Season Training

The New Zealand Winter Sports Season is over for 2011 and many Football, Rugby, Netball and Hockey players are happy to have their Saturdays back but when should we start building fitness towards the next season?

Start Now!!

Whether you’re 3 weeks or 3months out from your first competitive match you should be doing something to prepare for next season. The less you do at the end of your season the harder it’ll be to get back into it.

It doesn't need to be painfully hard training. In fact in order to improve the durability of your ligaments it needs to start softly. Start early enough and you can progress slowly. Start slowly and you might even enjoy it.

Leave it till the last minute and you'll have to train harder and go through more pain before having another unsatisfactory season.

Getting it Wrong
Starting back in January or February when your Coach's Pre-season Training begins is dangerous!

It always starts with a hiss and a roar but our bodies just aren't ready for high intensity training yet. The coach has every right to expect the team to get straight into the sprints, shuttle runs and high intensity games because there's only one month before that pre-season tournament or the start of the season proper.

If we've taken the last 4 months off exercise then there's a good chance we're going to get unlucky and fall injured before the first game of the season.

So How do we Prevent all of that Pain and Risk of Injury?
In order to have a great pre-season with your team from January till March you'd ideally do a couple of months of Base Fitness Training before the festive season break.

Base Fitness Training should be aimed at:

  • Increasing the distances we can run
  • Improving our running, speed and playing technique
  • Improving our durability

Two months before Christmas means starting at the end of October.

It sounds early but for most of us that's August, September and most of October which we're letting ourselves get less fit for our sport and the rigors of our Coach's Pre-Season Training.

If we don't have a Coach's Pre-Season Training then the entire team is looking at a season with moments of brilliance but dominated by cramping, injuries and frustration.

So if you want a great season for you and your team get them together and Start Now!

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